athletes athletes

My favorite athletes of all time

Let me introduce my latest masterpiece: an utterly unrequested, minimally essential list of my all-time favorite athletes.

Ah, the power of lists! There’s something incredibly satisfying about whittling the chaos of the world down into a neat, tidy, digestible form, isn’t there? Especially lists that no one asks for, but everyone secretly enjoys. They’re like surprise guests at a party, or when a restaurant has flan on the menu.

So, without further ado, let me introduce my latest unrequested masterpiece: my all-time favorite athletes. This roster may not get me into the Hall of Fame, but in the grand sport of list-making, I’m pretty sure it earns me a gold medal.

My hall of fame:

  • Andre Dawson
  • Dirk Nowitzki
  • Demarcus Beasley
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Landon Donovan
  • Magic Johnson