“All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things.”
Tom Northup
We’ve all been to websites that create a meaningful connection. Websites that leave you thinking, “I wish we could do something like this…”
But creating that type of website feels unattainable. It’s probably too expensive or too hard to get your team on board.
The problem, though, isn’t usually budget or bureaucracy. It’s that your team doesn’t have a united clarity of purpose, of priorities, and of goals
This leads to websites that are confusing, that frustrate your visitors, and leave an untold trail of missed opportunities.
I believe that when a team gets clear on priorities, only then will they find clarity of message—which leads to connection with people.
And when paired with sensible technology, this can transform a website. Transform an organization. And grow impact like never before.
I know what it’s like to be frustrated by websites that don’t deliver results and are hard to manage. That’s why I’ve devoted so much of my career to helping hundreds of organizations get clarity on their goals and launch websites that reflect those priorities.
It’s time to stop hoping you’ll eventually get it right. When you are clear, you will draw people toward your cause. And that’s when you can really start to change the world.