My Deconversion Story

5 posts
A Start of Wisdom

A Start of Wisdom

Join me as I reconsider the essence of wisdom and knowledge, moving away from absolutes to embrace life's complexities. This reflective piece invites readers to appreciate the value of questions and the rich tapestry of human understanding, marking the beginning of true wisdom.
Left Behind

Left Behind

Delve into the challenges and revelations of questioning evangelical Christianity's certainties. 'Left Behind' examines the conflict between biblical teachings and real-world experiences, leading to my personal evolution beyond the confines of established faith.
Life in the Bubble

Life In the Bubble

Reflect on my experience of being deeply entrenched in a singular theological perspective and the realization of its limitations. I discuss my journey of breaking free from the 'bubble' of dogmatic beliefs to pursue a more open, questioning approach to spirituality and faith.
My Journey

My Journey to Faith

I share my personal narrative of finding faith during my university years, a time of profound questioning and searching for meaning. This article highlights the pivotal moments and influences that led me from a state of uncertainty to embracing a path of spiritual discovery and purpose.
From Faith to Wonder

From Faith to Wonder

Explore my journey from a traditional Christian faith to a broader, more inclusive understanding of spirituality. This article delves into my transformative process of questioning long-held beliefs, embracing doubt, and finding a deeper sense of wonder in the mysteries of life and love.