What lies within us

Last week our team launched a lustrous, new Virtuous website. It was a tremendous labor of love. At times it was heavier on the labor and lighter on the love …but I am incredibly delighted with the outcome of our efforts. 

I am beaming with pride and overflowing with gratitude to the team who helped make it happen: Kelly CristaldiAdam PavisMegan DonahueGabe CooperJeff Jacobs, and Derek Dennie — you are human treasures who make life better for all who know you, let alone the incredible value you provide to team Virtuous.  

I’ve been a part of creating websites since…the previous century. And in so many ways, the best and worst part is how transient our digital footprints can be. Websites don’t hang on museum walls or get framed and placed on the mantle… But what does endure is the meaning and mission, the magic of experiencing collaboration, and the satisfaction of making something better. I’ll always be a designer at heart, so I love seeing a finished work that looks and feels effortless and beautiful. But honestly—the real stuff, the real crux of it all—is in the process. 

We had no shortage of drivers behind this project, but our primary targets were: 

(1) Create an on-brand experience that actively helps the business achieve its goals 
(2) Create a resource that is a practical laboratory and effective tool in the hands of our marketing team

Getting the site out into the world is our first micro win. But those two targets are the macro outcomes we continuously pursue. When it comes to the web—we’re always in process. Always moving. Always on the journey.  

But it’s good to create milestones where we pause, appreciate how far we’ve come, make sure we’re still moving in the right direction… but most of all, celebrate the people with whom we share the journey. 

At Virtuous, we like to say, “the best is yet to come,”… and no doubt, I believe that. But I’ll close with wisdom from Emerson, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

 Onward, my friends.