Fundraising can be a complicated industry. But at its heart is a simple rule—the Golden Rule. See how this timeless maxim can help you optimize your online fundraising.
Fundraising can sometimes feel like you're just taking money from people. But you’re really adding so much to people’s lives. You’re offering happiness.
Struggling to meet your fundraising targets? It's time for a shift in perspective. You and your team work relentlessly, fueled by a mission that's more than a job – it's a moral imperative. But, even as you run at full tilt, you may stumble upon a common trap: The belief that your nonprofit is the chief driver of change.
At the heart of fundraising is a relationship. Not with a dollar, but with a donor. And so the wider the distance between you and your donor, the more difficult and impersonal it will be to ask for help.
Just because you set up your giving page with some text, an image, and a giving form does not mean that donors who come to your site will be motivated to give.